Relationships with Public Agencies

Relationships with Public Agencies

Relationships with Public Agencies

Bradesco maintains healthy, ethical and transparent business relationships with Public Entities and Agencies that comply with current laws and regulations and are in accordance with our corporate governance policies and codes of conduct.

Business opportunities are identified through Institutional Relations activities and by taking part in bidding processes after a careful assessment of their nature and purpose. The impacts on the Bradesco Group and the technical feasibility of meeting the conditions established by the public administration are analyzed in a collaborative manner.

The Bradesco Organization, in all of its bidding processes and regardless of the method and type, follows the guidelines of the Corporate Anti-corruption and Competition Policies, the Bradesco Integrity Program, the Anti-corruption Compliance Program Standard, the Corporate Anti-corruption Standard and the Corporate Competition Standard, in addition to the applicable regulations and legislation (including Law No. 8,666/1993, as amended by Laws No. 14,133/2021, No. 10,520/2002, No. 12,529/2011, and others), in accordance with the principles of administrative law.

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