ESG Indexes and ratings

ESG Indexes and ratings

Learn more about the Sustainability performance of Bradesco by accessing our website.

The way we handle environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors has been largely rated above average by the major sustainability indices of domestic and international stock exchanges and specialized ESG rating agencies.

Reference date: June/2024.



We were selected to be part of the B3 Diversity Index, which evaluates and recognizes companies that have excelled in promoting gender and race diversity.

Introduced in August 2023, IDIVERSA B3 is the 10th ESG index on the Brazilian stock exchange.

Bloomberg Gender Equality Index

For the 5th consecutive year, we have been recognized as one of the top performers in promoting workplace equality by the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index (GEI).

The Sustainability Yearbook 2024, by S&P

For the 6th consecutive time, we were recognized in S&P Global’s Sustainability Yearbook, ranking among the top 10% evaluated companies in the banking sector throughout the world, underscoring our commitment to the ESG agenda.

Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI)

For the 18th consecutive year, we were selected to compose the world and emerging markets portfolios of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), ranking among the banks with the best ESG performance.


For the 19th consecutive time, we were selected in the B3 Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) portfolio.


We were given a A- rating as part of the 2023 CDP Index, which represents Leadership level. This rating is above the regional average for South America and the average for the financial services sector.

MSCI ESG Ratings

We secured an A rating in the MSCI ESG Ratings, with an emphasis on data security practices among the leading banks, according to the agency’s evaluation.

ESG Merco Responsibility

Since its creation, we are in the Merco ranking as one of the most responsible ESG companies, remaining in 2nd place in the sector ranking.