Create opportunities to fulfill people and the sustainable development of companies and society.
Values are the Organization’s fundamental beliefs, as well as the success factors that serve as a guide to fulfill our purpose:
- Customer as the reason for the Organization’s existence;
- Ethics in all activities and relationships;
- Transparency in the information required by the interested parties;
- Belief in people’s value and development capacity;
- Respect for human being dignity and diversity; and
- Socio-environmental responsibility, encouraging actions for sustainable development.
Unified Tender Offer for the Acquisition of Cielo Common Shares
Bradesco My Account
Acquisition: Digio, Bradesco Invest Us
First Brazilian bank to commit to Net-Zero - Yearbook S&P 2021, Open Finance Bradesco and Sustainability Award - Silver Class
Acquisition: BAC Flórida
Relaunch of Ágora, Veloe and BIA (Bradesco Inteligência Artificial)
Acquisition: HSBC Brasil
Bradesco | inovabra
Self-service without card
Joined UNEP-FI
Biometrics: End of Password
Acquisitions: IBI e Odontoprev -First branch on a boat (Voyager III). It runs about 1,600 km between Manaus and Tabatinga (Amazonas)
Acquisitions: Ágora Corretora e Medservice - First credit card made from recycled plastic
Acquisition: BMC - New information technology center, part of the IT Improvement Project. Started in 2003
Acquisition: Amex - Included in the Dow Jones Sustainability index - Joined the CDP
Acquisitions: BEC - Joined the UN Global Compact - Included in ISE
Acquisition: B.E.M
Acquisitions: Banco Zogbi S.A., BBVA, Gestão de Recursos de Terceiros do JP e Morgan S.A.
Acquisitions: Banco Cidade, BES (3%), BEA, Banco Mercantil, Deutsche Bank e DTMV S.A.
Acquisitions: Banque, Banespa International, Luxemburgo e Banco Postal/Correios
Acquisitions: Banco BoaVista, Interatlântico e Banco das Nações - First Mobile Banking in Latin America
Acquisitions: Banep e Continental
Acquisition: BCR
Acquisitions: Credireal, Itabanco, BCN e Companhia União de Seguros Gerais
Acquisition: Baloise - Atlântica Cia Brasileira de Seguros
First Internet banking in Latin America
Formation of group Bradesco Seguros
First “cash dispenser” installed, SOS Bradesco, predecessor of the current ATM
Bradesco Card First Brazilian credit card
First company in Latin America to buy a computer
Creation of Fundação Bradesco
Founding of Banco Brasileiro de Descontos (Bradesco)
Transparency and Connection with Our Investors
Welcome to our Investor Relations Portal. Here you will find all of Bradesco’s financial and strategic information, ensuring full transparency and keeping you always informed about our results, governance and investment opportunities.
Board of Directors
Bradesco’s Board of Directors is a decision-making body, composed of 6 (six) to 11 (eleven) members. All of them with 2-year term of office, and the reelection is allowed. Board of Directors’ Ordinary Meetings are held 12 (twelve) times a year, and Board of Directors’ Special Meetings are held whenever necessary. The Board has among its main duties: to establish the Organization’s strategy within the best Corporate Governance practices; to review the plans and business policies, protecting and maximizing the return on the shareholders’ investment; and to monitor the Board Executive Officers’ activities, ensuring the respect to ethical principles.
Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi
Brief Professional Background: Graduated in Philosophy with postgraduate studies in Social Psychology from Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo, he began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in 1969, devoting his entire professional life to Bradesco Organization. He was Vice President of Banco Bradesco from 1999 up 2009 and, from 2003 up 2009, he hold the position of CEO of Bradesco Seguros. He chaired the Board of Executive Officers of Banco Bradesco from March 2009 to March 2018, holding cumulatively the position of Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors until October 2017, when he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Alexandre da Silva Glüher
Vice Chairman
Date and Local of Birth: August 14, 1960, in Porto Alegre, RS.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A in March 1976. In August 2001 he was elected Regional Officer, in March 2005, Department Officer, in December 2010, Executive Deputy Officer, in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer and, in January 2014, Executive Vice President. In March 2018 he was elected Member of the Board of Directors and, in April 2020, coordinator of the Audit Committee, statutory body that advises the Board. In August 2022, he was nominated Vice Chairman of Banco Bradesco´s Board of Directors.
Denise Aguiar Alvarez
External Member
Date and Place of Birth: January 24, 1958, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: In April 1986, she was elected member of the Board of Directors of Cidade de Deus – Companhia Comercial de Participações, one of the parent companies of Banco Bradesco S.A., and in July 1988 she started to hold cumulatively the position of Officer. In February, 1990 she was elected Member of the Board of Directors of Banco Bradesco S.A., position currently held.
Maurício Machado de Minas
External Member
Date and Place of Birth: July 1st, 1959, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He joined Banco Bradesco S.A. in July 2009, as Managing Executive Director. In January 2014 he was elected Executive Vice President. From March 2018 to January 2019, he accumulated the position of Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Vice President Director. As of January 2019, he became only a member of the Board of Directors.
Rubens Aguiar Alvarez
External Member
Date and Local of Birth: October 23, 1972 – São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He has degree in Economics and he has always been dedicated himself, exclusively, to the management of the family business and companies. In May 2021, he was elected Member of the Board of Directors of Banco Bradesco.
Octavio de Lazari Junior
External Member
Date and Local of Birth: July 18, 1963, São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in September 1978. He was elected Executive Deputy Officer in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer in February 2015 and Executive Vice President in May 2017. In March 2018, he was elected CEO of Banco Bradesco, position held by him until November 2023. In December 2023, he was elected member of the Board of Directors.
Rogério Pedro Câmara
External Member
Date and Place of Birth: October 5, 1963, in Santos, SP.
Brief Professional Background: In June 1983, he began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. In December 2008, he was promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent. In June 2011, he was elected Officer, in January 2012, Department Officer and, in January 2017, Deputy Executive Officer. In January 2019, he was promoted to the position of Managing Officer and, in March 2021, to Vice-President. In September 2024, he was elected member of the Board of Directors.
Samuel Monteiro dos Santos Junior
Independent Member
Date and Place of Birth: February 5, 1946, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Brief Professional Background: With extensive experience in the insurance market, he began his career in 1969 at SulAmérica Seguros. In December 1999, he joined Bradesco Seguros S.A. as Vice President, where he remained until March 2011. From November 2011 to April 2014, he served as Chief Executive Officer at BSP Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A., where he is currently a Member of the Board of Directors. At the same time, in 2007 he was elected Officer at Bradesco Dental S.A., currently Odontoprev S.A., where he was elected, in 2014, Member of the Board of Directors. In March 2020, he was elected Member of the Board of Directors of Banco Bradesco S.A.
Walter Luis Bernardes Albertoni
Independent Member
Date and Place of Birth: September 29, 1968, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional History: Militant lawyer for over 30 years, who worked for more than 15 years as an outsourced legal adviser of the Association of Investors in the Capital Market – AMEC, providing opinions and preparing institutional manifestations in defense of the rights and interests of minority shareholders. In March 2017, he was elected Effective Member of the Fiscal Council of Banco Bradesco S.A. and, in March 2020, Independent Member of the Board of Directors, position currently held.
Paulo Roberto Simões da Cunha
Independent Member
Date and Place of Birth: May 27, 1950, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional History: He joined the Brazilian Central Bank in 1976, in the Division of Supervision and, in 1988, he was promoted to the Head of Division, where he was responsible for the oversight of Financial Institutions in São Paulo, remaining part of that organization until 1998. He was Financial Specialist Member of Audit Committee of Banco Bradesco S.A. in the period from April/2004 to June/2009, and after from February/2014 to January/2021, when he was elected independent member of the Board of Directors.
Denise Pauli Pavarina
Independent Member
Date and Place of Birth: April 14, 1963 – Santo André – SP.
Brief Professional History: She began her career in March 1985 at Banco Bradesco de Investimento S.A., a financial institution that, in November 1992, was merged into Banco Bradesco S.A. At Bradesco, she held the positions of Manager of the Portfolio Management Department, Executive Superintendent and was elected Department Officer in January 2001. In June 2006, she was elected Officer of Banco Bradesco BBI S.A. and in January 2007, Managing Officer, remaining in this position until December 2009, when she was elected Superintendent Officer at Bram – Bradesco Asset Management S.A. and as an Officer at Bradesco. In January 2012, she was elected Deputy Officer and, in February 2015, Managing Officer. In March 2018, she became, cumulatively, Investor Relations Officer. In January 2019, she resigned from the positions held in the companies of Bradesco Organization and, in March 2022, she was elected Independent Member of the Board of Directors.
Board of Executive Officers
The Board of Executive Officers is in charge of establishing and monitoring the performance of the strategic guidelines of the Board of Directors, as well as managing and representing the Company.
Marcelo de Araújo Noronha
Chief Executive Officer
Date and Local of Birth: August 10, 1965, in Recife, PE.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career in 1985 at Banco Banorte, where he remained until 1996, occasion in which he started to act as a Commercial Officer at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., subsequently called Banco Alvorada S.A. and incorporated by Kirton Bank S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, where he holds the position of Vice President. In February 2004, he was elected Department Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A., in December 2010, Executive Deputy Officer, in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer and, in February 2015, Executive Vice President, position held by him until November 2023, when he was elected Chief Executive Officer.
Cassiano Ricardo Scarpelli
Vice President
Date and Place of Birth: July 28, 1968, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Bradesco Organization in June 1984. In February 2001, he was promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent. In March 2007, he was elected Department Officer, in February 2015, Executive Deputy Officer and, in January 2017, Executive Managing Officer. In March 2018, he was elected Executive Vice President.
Moacir Nachbar Junior
Vice President
Date and Local of Birth: April 5, 1965, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in June 1979, being elected Department Officer in March 2005, Executive Deputy Officer in January 2012 and Managing Executive Officer in February 2015. In March 2018, he became liable for the Risk Management of the Organization, being elected Chief Risk Officer (CRO). He is responsible for the Fiscal Audit, Legal, Compliance, Conduct and Ethics, Corporate Security and Integrated Control of Risks areas. In January 2022, he was promoted to the position of Vice President.
José Ramos Rocha Neto
Vice President
Date and Place of Birth: December 8, 1968, in Recife, PE.
Brief Professional Background: In May 2000, he joined, as an Officer of the Corporate Branch at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., after denominated Banco Alvorada S.A. and incorporated by Kirton Bank S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, where he also held the position of Executive Superintendent, responsible for Trade Finance and Business Development areas. In September 2003, he was transferred to Banco Bradesco S.A., being, in December 2009, elected Officer and, in June 2011, Department Officer. In March 2018, he was elected Executive Deputy Officer and, in February 2020, Executive Managing Officer. In December 2022, he was promoted to the position of Vice President.
Guilherme Muller Leal
Vice President
Date and Local of Birth: November 12, 1967, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career in February 1990, at Banco de Investimentos Garantia, where he held a lot of positions in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. In September 1995, he joined Banco Francês e Brasileiro, working in the Corporate Banking commercial area in Rio de Janeiro, and in August 1999, he began in Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., taken the position of Corporate Deputy Officer, responsible for Corporate Banking in Rio de Janeiro. In September 2003, he was transferred to Banco Bradesco S.A. and, in June 2007, he was promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent; in February 2011, he was elected Officer, in January 2012, Department Officer, in January 2017, Executive Deputy Officer, and, in January 2019, he was promoted to Executive Managing Officer. In January 2024, he was promoted to the position of Executive Vice President.
Bruno D’Avila Melo Boetger
Vice President
Date and Local of Birth: Born on June 17, 1967, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Brief Professional History: He began his career in 1990 at Citi where he held several investment banking positions in New York (USA) and Sao Paulo. In April 2007 he joined Banco Bradesco BBI S.A. holding the position of Executive Superintendent and in April 2008 he was elected Director. In August 2011, he joined Banco Bradesco S.A. as General Manager of the New York Branch (USA), holding the position until January 2014, when he was elected Department Director. In December 2017, he was elected Deputy Executive Director. In January 2019, he was promoted to the position of Executive Officer. In February 2024, he was promoted to Vice President.
João Carlos Gomes da Silva
Executive Officer
Date and Local of Birth: January 20, 1961, in Espírito Santo do Pinhal, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A., in June 1981. In May 1992, he was promoted to the position of Branch Manager and, in April 2004, he became Regional Manager. In December 2009, he was elected Regional Officer, in January 2012, Department Officer, in February 2017, he was elected Executive Deputy Officer and in January 2019, he was elected Executive Officer.
Roberto de Jesus Paris
Executive Officer
Date and Local of Birth: September 15, 1972, São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in January 1987. In May 2007, he was promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent. In June 2011, he was elected Officer, in February 2015, Department Officer, in January 2019, Executive Officer.
Oswaldo Tadeu Fernandes
Executive Officer
Date and Place of Birth: October 20, 1970, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in March 1985. In February 2008 he was promoted to the position of Department Manager of the General Accounting Department and, in June 2011, to the position of Executive Superintendent, until March 2012, when he started to carry out his functions at Banco Bradesco BBI S.A., where he was elected Officer in March 2014. Back to Bradesco, he was elected Officer in March 2018. In January 2019, he was promoted to the position of Department Officer and, in March 2021, he was promoted to Executive Officer.
Edilson Dias dos Reis
Executive Officer
Date and Place of Birth: December 26, 1971 in Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in the financial market at the Investment Bank BBM in 1997. He joined at Investment Bank CR2 in 2002, where he became officer and partner. He started at Ágora Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. in February 2009, as Superintendent. In February 2012 he was transferred to Banco Bradesco S.A., where he took on IT fronts as Executive Superintendent and, in January 2017, he was elected Officer, being responsible for the system development area. In January 2019, he took over the direction of IT Infrastructure and, in January 2022, he was promoted to Executive Officer, responsible for Systems Development, Corporate Architecture, Innovation and Cloud areas.
Juliano Ribeiro Marcílio
Executive Officer
Date and place of birth: April 25, 1973, in Sao Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Citigroup Inc., in 1994, working at Citibank Brasil – Sao Paulo, NA Bankcards – New York, USA, Citibank Mexico – Mexico City, Citibank Global Corporate & Investment Bank – Milan and Italy and Banco Citibank S.A. – Sao Paulo. From 2002 to 2012, he worked at UNIBANCO -União de Bancos Brasileiros S.A., Teleperformance Brasil and Serasa Experian. In November 2013, he joined HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, in the position of Head of Human Resources, remaining in this position until October 2016, when the institution was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A., where he was elected Officer, being responsible for the Human Resources Department. In August 2023, he was promoted to the position of Executive Officer.
André Luís Duarte de Oliveira
Executive Officer
Date and Place of Birth: December 17, 1971, Parapuã, SP, Brasil.
Brief Professional Background: Began his career in 1995 as Trainee and Relationship Manager Middle Corporate at Unibanco S.A. Subsequently, he participated in the project to create of legal entity segment and he was sponsored for MBA abroad (Kellogg). After he worked for Cartões and Fininvest, where he was promoted to Superintendent of Credit Analysis and then to Executive Superintendent of Credit and Modeling. a position he held until 2008, when he became Executive Credit Superintendent responsible for Personnalité, after the merger between Unibanco and Itaú. In January 2012, he began at Banco Votorantim as Credit and Collection Officer, reaching to the position of Executive Officer of Risk (including Credit). In May 2019, joined at Banco Bradesco as Officer responsible for CRM Department, as well as Data Management Department. In February 2024, he was promoted Executive Officer, responsible for the credit vertical.
Cíntia Scovine Barcelos de Souza
Executive Officer
Date and place of birth: November 15, 1972, in Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brazil
Brief Professional Background: Technology executive with more than 30 years’ experience, leading teams in search of innovative and creative solutions. She has indepth knowledge of hybrid cloud, data and artificial intelligence, as well as resilient solution architecture and resilient solutions and infrastructure technologies. She has been executive officer of technology at Bradesco since February 2024, responsible for the areas of architecture, infrastructure, operations, governance and cybersecurity. She was CTO at IBM for financial markets and the first woman to be Distinguished Engineer in Latin America.
Fernando Freiberger
Executive Officer
Date and Local Birth: November 28, 1971, in Curitiba, PR.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at BankBoston Banco Múltiplo S.A. in January 1993. In July 1999, he joined HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, reaching the position of Executive Officer – Head of Commercial Banking – Brazil, where he remained until October 2016, when the institution was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A. In January 2019, was elected Department Officer, responsible for Corporate. He currently holds the position of Executive Officer.
José Augusto Ramalho Miranda
Executive Officer
Date and Place of Birth: January 28, 1980, São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He started his banking career in October 1999 at Banco Safra S.A., where he held many positions. In September 2007, he joined the HSBC Group, working at HSBC Corretora de Valores Ltda., HSBC Private Bank Suisse S.A. and HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, where he remained until October 2016, when the institution was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A., and, in December 2017, he was elected as an Officer. In June 2019 he was elected Department Officer and in February 2024, he was promoted to Executive Officer.
Marcos Valério Tescarolo
Executive Officer
Date and Place of Birth: September 26,1964, in Itatiba, SP
Brief Professional Background: He worked for 34 years in the financial market at Banco Bradesco, starting his career in 1984 at the branch network. In 1999, he was transferred to the General Management, at the Bank’s headquarters, Department responsible for managing all the branch network, leading all management-related processes such as: acquisition of banks, business and administrative management of branches, electronic and banking service points, achievement and management of payrolls, profitability, implementing the first CRM platform, segmentation and relationship with customers, implementation of restructuring and repositioning projects at national level, creation and implementation of management tools, planning, expansion and incorporation of branches, preparation of the annual budget, administrative and audit processes, relationship and attention to regulatory bodies. In April 2004, he was promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent for the Branch Network and in 2007, he was appointed to the Cards Department, responsible for the sale of products in all segments of the Bank, both individuals and companies. In 2007, he was promoted to Officer of Banco Bankpar, working in the area of charge cards until April 2012, and on the Boards of Directors of the companies Odontored S.A. and Odontored Seguros. In 2010, he was appointed to take over Mexico operation, with the acquisition at the time, of the C&A México cards operation, with the mission of leading the company Bradescard México and all of its respective areas following the country’s regulations. In 2018, he started managing consortium groups and, in December 2020, he returned to Banco Bradesco S.A. as an Officer, responsible for Bradesco Cards Department. In August 2023, he began Officer of Retail Network and in February 2024 was elected Executive Officer.
Renata Geiser Mantarro
Executive Officer
Date and Place of Birth: August 27, 1967 – São Paulo, SP – Brazil
Brief Professional Background: She began her career at Banco Bradesco S.A in 1983 and in 1999, she began to work at the Audit and General Inspection Department. She has held, during three years, the position of systems analyst at the New York Branch, working with international banking processes, and was responsible for the Banco Bradesco Argentina IT Area creation and implementation. In June 2011 she was romoted to the Executive Superintendent position of the Audit and General Inspection Department, where she worked until February 2018, when she was assigned to Banco Bradesco BBI S.A. In January 2020, she returned to Banco Bradesco S.A. as Director, leading the Compliance, Conduct and Ethics Department as the 2nd line of defense, watching over the Business Lines and the IT function of the Bank and Related Companies. Thereafter, she was assigned to the IT Governance Department, being responsible for the centralized management of the strategy, projects portfolio, financial performance, risks, suppliers and IT administration. In May 2023 she was promoted to the Department Director position, responsible for the Audit and General Inspection Department.
Vinicius Urias Favarão
Executive Officer
Date and Place of Birth: November 20, 1974, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career as a Business Manager in 1992. At Banco Bradesco Cartões he was Executive Superintendent, responsible for the areas Network of Establishments American Express (Amex) and Credit Products in the portfolios Visa, Mastercard, Elo and Amex. In 2010, he was promoted to the position of Officer of Banco Bradesco Cartões and was responsible for the management of the areas of Products and Life Cycle of the credit card portfolios of all the brands managed by Bradesco. In 2013, as a General Officer of Bradesco Promotora, he worked on the transaction that resulted in the acquisition of Banco BMC by Banco Bradesco S.A. In 2017, he returned to Banco Bradesco Cartões as a responsible for issuing and managing the credit card portfolio of Banco Bradesco. In 2020, he worked as Officer of Banco Bradesco Financiamentos and, in February 2024, was elected Executive Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A., responsible for the areas: New Businesses/BHI, Institutional Relations, Strategy and Regulatory Relations, Corporate Strategy and General Secretariat.
Silvana Rosa Machado
Executive Officer
Date and Place of Birth: April 17, 1970, in São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional History: She is a woman executive with more than 31 years of professional experience in multinational consulting and financial institutions. She has expertise in strategic projects in the financial services sector and human capital management, as well as having worked in well-known companies. In April 2024, she joined Banco Bradesco S.A. and she was elected Executive Officer.
Túlio Xavier de Oliveira
Executive Officer
Date and Place of Birth: February 21, 1981 – Sorocaba, SP
Brief Professional History: He is an expert and respected executive in the Financial Services sector, who has developed his career in the market. His experience covers several executive positions in well-known companies, including Itaú Unibanco, PayPal and Mercado Pago. In April 2024, he joined Bradesco and was elected Executive Officer.
Francesco Di Marcello
Executive Officer
Date and Place of Birth: July 12, 1974 – Italy
Brief Professional History: Executive with experience in the areas of Digital Transformation & Agile Service Line in Multinationals and with a solid career in the national and international market. His experience spans several executive positions in renowned multinationals, including McKinsey & Company, where he served as Lead Partner in the Agile and Digital Transformation and Agile service lines in Brazil and international markets, as well as Optima Group and Accenture. In August 2024, he joined Banco Bradesco S.A. and was elected Executive Officer.
Fiscal Council
Body instated every year since 2002, becoming permanent from 2015, and is composed of five effective members and, currently, five substitute members. One effective member and his/her substitute are chosen among the preferred stockholders.
The Fiscal Council inspects all management’s acts, issues opinion on the management’s annual reports and the management bodies’ proposals relating modification of the corporate capital, debentures issue or subscription warranties, investment plans or capital budgets, payment of dividends; it denounces frauds, errors or crimes to the management bodies, analyzes the quarterly financial statements and requests the attendance of the Company’s Independent Auditors at the meetings.
José Maria Soares Nunes
Effective Member
Date and Local of Birth: April 11, 1958, in São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional Background: His career began at Banco Bradesco S.A. in June 1982, followed by a promotion to the position of Executive Superintendent in September 1998, which he held until September 2000. From September 2000 to August 2002, he served as of Director at Banco BCN S.A., a financial institution acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A. In August 2002, he was elected Department Director at Bradesco, working in the Tax Audit Department, and was responsible for activities related to tax and corporate matters, a position he held until June 2012. As Director of Tax Audit, the risk aspects of tax issues consisted of interpreting the legislation on direct and indirect taxes and assessing the proper way to handle operations carried out by the Organization, as well as the calculation and collection of taxes and their ancillary obligations.
Joaquim Caxias Romão
Effective Member
Date and Place of Birth: August 25, 1960, in São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional Background: He has over 30 years of experience in the fiscal, tax and accounting fields. His first contact with risk issues was at Ernst & Whinney (now Ernst & Young), where he worked as an external auditor for National and Multinational companies and local financial institutions, performing activities related to the accounting, fiscal, and tax legal areas, which are directly or indirectly involved in risk issues inherent to them. Romão served for more than 20 years in the Tax Audit Department of Banco Bradesco S.A., where he joined in February 1999 and, in September 2017, was promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent, remaining until March 2021.
Vicente Carmo Santo
Effective Member
Date and Local of Birth: April 5, 1961, in São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in 1976 at Banco BCN S.A., a financial institution that was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A. in December 1997. He worked in the Department of Risk Management (Now DCIR) from its creation in early 1999 until the beginning of the last quarter of 2001 in the position of Departmental Manager.
Monica Pires da Silva
Effective Member
Date and Place of Birth: July 14, 1964, Niterói, RJ.
Brief Professional Background: She began her career at IBM Brazil in 1989, where she remained for more than thirty years. She held several leadership positions, working in a matrix structure and leading multidisciplinary and global teams. She has acquired extensive knowledge in Finance, Controls, Audit, Compliance and Operations, as well as solid experience in Innovation, process transformation, business strategy and leadership of international business integration projects. She led the Business Controls area at IBM Brazil, where she implemented Sarbanes-Oxley, and in the position of Indirect Tax Manager, she was responsible for the area’s tax planning and monitoring the risks of tax litigation.
Ava Cohn
Effective Member
Date and Place of Birth: October 2, 1964, São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: Senior executive, with over 25 years of experience in the local financial market, focusing on large investors, corporations, institutional investors and financial institutions. She has held leadership roles in medium- and large-scale local and foreign institutions, such as Banco BMG, Banco Safra and Banco CCB Brasil. Cohn has experience in crisis management, with a systemic view focused on building long-term relationships.
Frederico William Wolf
Alternate Member
Date and Local of Birth: May 12, 1957, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in April 1972. In April 2004, he was promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent and, in June 2011, elected Department Officer, quitting in January 2020 and returning in March 2022, as Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council of Banco Bradesco S.A.
Artur Padula Omuro
Alternate Member
Date and Place of Birth: September 23, 1961, in São José do Rio Pardo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in a branch of Banco Bradesco as a bank clerk until reach the position of General Manager. He held the position of Executive Superintendent in the Banco Postal project, which was aimed at the banking of the low-income population. After, he acted at Bradesco Prime, in the high-income client management. He was Officer of Banco Bradesco Cartões until 2019 and participated as a member of the Board of Directors at the companies: Cielo S.A. (business solution for commerce with capture machines and intelligence), Alelo S.A. (company of prepaid solutions and benefits), Veloe (a brand of Alelo company) and Livelo S.A. (coalition and rewards company). In 2022, he was elected alternate member of the Fiscal Council of Banco Bradesco and Bradespar.
Luiz Eduardo Nobre Borges
Alternate Member
Date and Local of Birth: February 15, 1975, in Guarulhos, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in 1995 as a Sales Promoter. In January 2001 he joined to Banco Bradesco S.A. as Analysis Manager in the Controller’s Department, consolidating the budget process for the Bank’s branches. He supported the implementation of the measurement of the result of the bank branches and customers by business segment.
Ludmila de Melo Souza
Alternate Member
Date and Local of Birth: March 5, 1986, in Patos de Minas, MG
Brief Professional Background: Accountant. Certified by Experience as a member of the Audit Committee (CccoAud+) by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC). Member of the IBGC’s Finance and Accounting Committee. Consultant and Expert in Corporate Accounting, Performance Evaluation and Valuation. Serves on Audit Committees of medium and large Brazilian companies.
José Luis Elias
Alternate Member
Date and Place of Birth: January 5, 1956, in Amparo, SP.
Brief Professional History: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in April 1972, being, in February 2002, promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent. In December 2009, he became Officer of Banco Bradesco Cartões S.A. In December 2010, he returned to Banco Bradesco S.A. holding the position of Officer, being, in June 2011, elected Department Officer and, in February 2019, named to compose the Audit Committee of Banco Bradesco S.A. In March 2024, he was elected Alternate Member of Fiscal Council at Banco Bradesco S.A.
Audit Committee
With the goal of supporting the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee monitors the accounting practices utilized to prepare the financial statements of the organization and its subsidiaries, in addition to evaluating the effectiveness of the independent auditor. The coordinator of said committee is a member of the Board of Directors, and the other members do not have a relationship with the Company. Alexandre da Silva Glüher, vice chair of the Board of Directors, is the coordinator of the committee.
Alexandre da Silva Glüher
Date and Local of Birth: August 14, 1960, in Porto Alegre, RS.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A in March 1976. In August 2001 he was elected Regional Officer, in March 2005, Department Officer, in December 2010, Executive Deputy Officer, in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer and, in January 2014, Executive Vice President. In March 2018 he was elected Member of the Board of Directors and, in April 2020, coordinator of the Audit Committee, statutory body that advises the Board. In August 2022, he was nominated Vice Chairman of Banco Bradesco´s Board of Directors.
Amaro Luiz de Oliveira Gomes
Financial Specialist
Under construction.
Paulo Ricardo Satyro Bianchini
Under construction.
Remuneration Committee
This Committee has as purpose to assist the Board of Directors in the conduct of the management compensation policy, pursuant to the current legislation.
Alexandre da Silva Glüher
Date and Local of Birth: August 14, 1960, in Porto Alegre, RS.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A in March 1976. In August 2001 he was elected Regional Officer, in March 2005, Department Officer, in December 2010, Executive Deputy Officer, in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer and, in January 2014, Executive Vice President. In March 2018 he was elected Member of the Board of Directors and, in April 2020, coordinator of the Audit Committee, statutory body that advises the Board. In August 2022, he was nominated Vice Chairman of Banco Bradesco´s Board of Directors.
Mauricio Machado de Minas
Date and Place of Birth: July 1st, 1959, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He joined Banco Bradesco S.A. in July 2009, as Managing Executive Director. In January 2014 he was elected Executive Vice President. From March 2018 to January 2019, he accumulated the position of Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Vice President Director. As of January 2019, he became only a member of the Board of Directors.
Samuel Monteiro dos Santos Junior
Date and Place of Birth: February 5, 1946, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Brief Professional Background: With extensive experience in the insurance market, he began his career in 1969 at SulAmérica Seguros. In December 1999, he joined Bradesco Seguros S.A. as Vice President, where he remained until March 2011. From November 2011 to April 2014, he served as Chief Executive Officer at BSP Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A., where he is currently a Member of the Board of Directors. At the same time, in 2007 he was elected Officer at Bradesco Dental S.A., currently Odontoprev S.A., where he was elected, in 2014, Member of the Board of Directors. In March 2020, he was elected Member of the Board of Directors of Banco Bradesco S.A.
Fabio Augusto Iwasaki
Non-Administrative Member
Under construction.
Integrity and Ethical Conduct Committee
The Integrity and Ethical Conduct Committee proposes actions that ensure the disclosure of and compliance with the Organization’s Codes of Ethical Conduct, both at the corporate and sectoral levels, and the Corporate Policies, with emphasis on the Corporate Anti-Corruption Policy.
Alexandre da Silva Glüher
Date and Local of Birth: August 14, 1960, in Porto Alegre, RS.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A in March 1976. In August 2001 he was elected Regional Officer, in March 2005, Department Officer, in December 2010, Executive Deputy Officer, in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer and, in January 2014, Executive Vice President. In March 2018 he was elected Member of the Board of Directors and, in April 2020, coordinator of the Audit Committee, statutory body that advises the Board. In August 2022, he was nominated Vice Chairman of Banco Bradesco´s Board of Directors.
Maurício Machado de Minas
Date and Place of Birth: July 1st, 1959, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He joined Banco Bradesco S.A. in July 2009, as Managing Executive Director. In January 2014 he was elected Executive Vice President. From March 2018 to January 2019, he accumulated the position of Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Vice President Director. As of January 2019, he became only a member of the Board of Directors.
Rubens Aguiar Alvarez
Date and Local of Birth: October 23, 1972 – São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He has degree in Economics and he has always been dedicated himself, exclusively, to the management of the family business and companies. In May 2021, he was elected Member of the Board of Directors of Banco Bradesco.
Walter Luis Bernardes Albertoni
Date and Place of Birth: September 29, 1968, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional History: Militant lawyer for over 30 years, who worked for more than 15 years as an outsourced legal adviser of the Association of Investors in the Capital Market – AMEC, providing opinions and preparing institutional manifestations in defense of the rights and interests of minority shareholders. In March 2017, he was elected Effective Member of the Fiscal Council of Banco Bradesco S.A. and, in March 2020, Independent Member of the Board of Directors, position currently held.
Octavio de Lazari Junior
Date and Local of Birth: July 18, 1963, São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in September 1978. He was elected Executive Deputy Officer in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer in February 2015 and Executive Vice President in May 2017. In March 2018, he was elected CEO of Banco Bradesco, position held by him until November 2023. In December 2023, he was elected member of the Board of Directors.
Cassiano Ricardo Scarpelli
Date and Place of Birth: July 28, 1968, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Bradesco Organization in June 1984. In February 2001, he was promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent. In March 2007, he was elected Department Officer, in February 2015, Executive Deputy Officer and, in January 2017, Executive Managing Officer. In March 2018, he was elected Executive Vice President.
José Ramos Rocha Neto
Date and Place of Birth: December 8, 1968, in Recife, PE.
Brief Professional Background: In May 2000, he joined, as an Officer of the Corporate Branch at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., after denominated Banco Alvorada S.A. and incorporated by Kirton Bank S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, where he also held the position of Executive Superintendent, responsible for Trade Finance and Business Development areas. In September 2003, he was transferred to Banco Bradesco S.A., being, in December 2009, elected Officer and, in June 2011, Department Officer. In March 2018, he was elected Executive Deputy Officer and, in February 2020, Executive Managing Officer. In December 2022, he was promoted to the position of Vice President.
Marcelo de Araújo Noronha
Date and Local of Birth: August 10, 1965, in Recife, PE.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career in 1985 at Banco Banorte, where he remained until 1996, occasion in which he started to act as a Commercial Officer at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., subsequently called Banco Alvorada S.A. and incorporated by Kirton Bank S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, where he holds the position of Vice President. In February 2004, he was elected Department Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A., in December 2010, Executive Deputy Officer, in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer and, in February 2015, Executive Vice President, position held by him until November 2023, when he was elected Chief Executive Officer.
Moacir Nachbar Junior
Date and Local of Birth: April 5, 1965, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in June 1979, being elected Department Officer in March 2005, Executive Deputy Officer in January 2012 and Managing Executive Officer in February 2015. In March 2018, he became liable for the Risk Management of the Organization, being elected Chief Risk Officer (CRO). He is responsible for the Fiscal Audit, Legal, Compliance, Conduct and Ethics, Corporate Security and Integrated Control of Risks areas. In January 2022, he was promoted to the position of Vice President.
Rogério Pedro Câmara
Date and Place of Birth: October 5, 1963, in Santos, SP.
Brief Professional Background: In June 1983, he began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. In December 2008, he was promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent. In June 2011, he was elected Officer, in January 2012, Department Officer and, in January 2017, Deputy Executive Officer. In January 2019, he was promoted to the position of Managing Officer and, in March 2021, to Vice-President. In September 2024, he was elected member of the Board of Directors.
Silvana Rosa Machado
Date and Place of Birth: April 17, 1970, in São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional History: She is a woman executive with more than 31 years of professional experience in multinational consulting and financial institutions. She has expertise in strategic projects in the financial services sector and human capital management, as well as having worked in well-known companies. In April 2024, she joined Banco Bradesco S.A. and she was elected Executive Officer.
Ivan Luiz Gontijo Júnior
Under construction.
Affonso Correa Taciro Junior
Date and Local of Birth: April 4, 1971, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in January 1994 at Banco Fibra S.A. as a System Analyst trainee. In June 1995. he joined BankBoston as a Financial Risk Analyst and, in December 1997, he joined Banco Itaú S.A. as Risk Manager. In January 2003 he became part of ABN AMRO Asset Management as Superintendent responsible for the market, credit and operational risks. In March 2004, he returned to Banco Itaú S.A. as Superintendent responsible for the Financial Risks management and control. In August 2013, he joined HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo as Executive Superintendent, being transferred to Banco Bradesco S.A. in October 2016. In June 2023, he was promoted to the position of Officer, responsible for the Model Independent Assessment Area. He is currently responsible for the Compliance Area at Banco Bradesco S.A.
Nomination and Succession Committee
The Nomination and Succession Committee supports the Board of Directors in formulating and executing the Company’s senior management succession and nomination policy.
Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi
Brief Professional Background: Graduated in Philosophy with postgraduate studies in Social Psychology from Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo, he began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in 1969, devoting his entire professional life to Bradesco Organization. He was Vice President of Banco Bradesco from 1999 up 2009 and, from 2003 up 2009, he hold the position of CEO of Bradesco Seguros. He chaired the Board of Executive Officers of Banco Bradesco from March 2009 to March 2018, holding cumulatively the position of Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors until October 2017, when he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Alexandre da Silva Glüher
Date and Local of Birth: August 14, 1960, in Porto Alegre, RS.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A in March 1976. In August 2001 he was elected Regional Officer, in March 2005, Department Officer, in December 2010, Executive Deputy Officer, in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer and, in January 2014, Executive Vice President. In March 2018 he was elected Member of the Board of Directors and, in April 2020, coordinator of the Audit Committee, statutory body that advises the Board. In August 2022, he was nominated Vice Chairman of Banco Bradesco´s Board of Directors.
Mauricio Machado de Minas
Date and Place of Birth: July 1st, 1959, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He joined Banco Bradesco S.A. in July 2009, as Managing Executive Director. In January 2014 he was elected Executive Vice President. From March 2018 to January 2019, he accumulated the position of Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Vice President Director. As of January 2019, he became only a member of the Board of Directors.
Octavio de Lazari Junior
Date and Local of Birth: July 18, 1963, São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in September 1978. He was elected Executive Deputy Officer in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer in February 2015 and Executive Vice President in May 2017. In March 2018, he was elected CEO of Banco Bradesco, position held by him until November 2023. In December 2023, he was elected member of the Board of Directors.
Marcelo de Araújo Noronha
Date and Local of Birth: August 10, 1965, in Recife, PE.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career in 1985 at Banco Banorte, where he remained until 1996, occasion in which he started to act as a Commercial Officer at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., subsequently called Banco Alvorada S.A. and incorporated by Kirton Bank S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, where he holds the position of Vice President. In February 2004, he was elected Department Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A., in December 2010, Executive Deputy Officer, in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer and, in February 2015, Executive Vice President, position held by him until November 2023, when he was elected Chief Executive Officer.
Sustainability and Diversity Commitee
This committee is responsible for supporting the Board of Directors in promoting sustainability strategies, developing guidelines that integrate economic development with social responsibility, in addition to fostering actions that drive diversity within the Organization.
Maurício Machado de Minas
Date and Place of Birth: July 1st, 1959, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He joined Banco Bradesco S.A. in July 2009, as Managing Executive Director. In January 2014 he was elected Executive Vice President. From March 2018 to January 2019, he accumulated the position of Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Vice President Director. As of January 2019, he became only a member of the Board of Directors.
Alexandre da Silva Glüher
Date and Local of Birth: August 14, 1960, in Porto Alegre, RS.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A in March 1976. In August 2001 he was elected Regional Officer, in March 2005, Department Officer, in December 2010, Executive Deputy Officer, in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer and, in January 2014, Executive Vice President. In March 2018 he was elected Member of the Board of Directors and, in April 2020, coordinator of the Audit Committee, statutory body that advises the Board. In August 2022, he was nominated Vice Chairman of Banco Bradesco´s Board of Directors.
Denise Aguiar Alvarez
Date and Place of Birth: January 24, 1958, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: In April 1986, she was elected member of the Board of Directors of Cidade de Deus – Companhia Comercial de Participações, one of the parent companies of Banco Bradesco S.A., and in July 1988 she started to hold cumulatively the position of Officer. In February, 1990 she was elected Member of the Board of Directors of Banco Bradesco S.A., position currently held.
Denise Pauli Pavarina
Date and Place of Birth: April 14, 1963 – Santo André – SP.
Brief Professional History: She began her career in March 1985 at Banco Bradesco de Investimento S.A., a financial institution that, in November 1992, was merged into Banco Bradesco S.A. At Bradesco, she held the positions of Manager of the Portfolio Management Department, Executive Superintendent and was elected Department Officer in January 2001. In June 2006, she was elected Officer of Banco Bradesco BBI S.A. and in January 2007, Managing Officer, remaining in this position until December 2009, when she was elected Superintendent Officer at Bram – Bradesco Asset Management S.A. and as an Officer at Bradesco. In January 2012, she was elected Deputy Officer and, in February 2015, Managing Officer. In March 2018, she became, cumulatively, Investor Relations Officer. In January 2019, she resigned from the positions held in the companies of Bradesco Organization and, in March 2022, she was elected Independent Member of the Board of Directors.
Octavio de Lazari Junior
Date and Local of Birth: July 18, 1963, São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in September 1978. He was elected Executive Deputy Officer in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer in February 2015 and Executive Vice President in May 2017. In March 2018, he was elected CEO of Banco Bradesco, position held by him until November 2023. In December 2023, he was elected member of the Board of Directors.
Rogério Pedro Câmara
Date and Place of Birth: October 5, 1963, in Santos, SP.
Brief Professional Background: In June 1983, he began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. In December 2008, he was promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent. In June 2011, he was elected Officer, in January 2012, Department Officer and, in January 2017, Deputy Executive Officer. In January 2019, he was promoted to the position of Managing Officer and, in March 2021, to Vice-President. In September 2024, he was elected member of the Board of Directors.
Walter Luis Bernardes Albertoni
Date and Place of Birth: September 29, 1968, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional History: Militant lawyer for over 30 years, who worked for more than 15 years as an outsourced legal adviser of the Association of Investors in the Capital Market – AMEC, providing opinions and preparing institutional manifestations in defense of the rights and interests of minority shareholders. In March 2017, he was elected Effective Member of the Fiscal Council of Banco Bradesco S.A. and, in March 2020, Independent Member of the Board of Directors, position currently held.
Marcelo de Araújo Noronha
Date and Local of Birth: August 10, 1965, in Recife, PE.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career in 1985 at Banco Banorte, where he remained until 1996, occasion in which he started to act as a Commercial Officer at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., subsequently called Banco Alvorada S.A. and incorporated by Kirton Bank S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, where he holds the position of Vice President. In February 2004, he was elected Department Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A., in December 2010, Executive Deputy Officer, in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer and, in February 2015, Executive Vice President, position held by him until November 2023, when he was elected Chief Executive Officer.
Bruno D’Ávila Melo Boetger
Date and Local of Birth: Born on June 17, 1967, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Brief Professional History: He began his career in 1990 at Citi where he held several investment banking positions in New York (USA) and Sao Paulo. In April 2007 he joined Banco Bradesco BBI S.A. holding the position of Executive Superintendent and in April 2008 he was elected Director. In August 2011, he joined Banco Bradesco S.A. as General Manager of the New York Branch (USA), holding the position until January 2014, when he was elected Department Director. In December 2017, he was elected Deputy Executive Director. In January 2019, he was promoted to the position of Executive Officer. In February 2024, he was promoted to Vice President.
Juliano Ribeiro Marcílio
Date and place of birth: April 25, 1973, in Sao Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Citigroup Inc., in 1994, working at Citibank Brasil – Sao Paulo, NA Bankcards – New York, USA, Citibank Mexico – Mexico City, Citibank Global Corporate & Investment Bank – Milan and Italy and Banco Citibank S.A. – Sao Paulo. From 2002 to 2012, he worked at UNIBANCO -União de Bancos Brasileiros S.A., Teleperformance Brasil and Serasa Experian. In November 2013, he joined HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, in the position of Head of Human Resources, remaining in this position until October 2016, when the institution was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A., where he was elected Officer, being responsible for the Human Resources Department. In August 2023, he was promoted to the position of Executive Officer.
Moacir Nachbar Junior
Date and Local of Birth: April 5, 1965, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in June 1979, being elected Department Officer in March 2005, Executive Deputy Officer in January 2012 and Managing Executive Officer in February 2015. In March 2018, he became liable for the Risk Management of the Organization, being elected Chief Risk Officer (CRO). He is responsible for the Fiscal Audit, Legal, Compliance, Conduct and Ethics, Corporate Security and Integrated Control of Risks areas. In January 2022, he was promoted to the position of Vice President.
Silvana Rosa Machado
Date and Place of Birth: April 17, 1970, in São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional History: She is a woman executive with more than 31 years of professional experience in multinational consulting and financial institutions. She has expertise in strategic projects in the financial services sector and human capital management, as well as having worked in well-known companies. In April 2024, she joined Banco Bradesco S.A. and she was elected Executive Officer.
André Costa Carvalho
Date and Place of Birth: May 17, 1972, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in August, 1996, as a Statistic Professor of the Economics Course from PUC-RJ and, in June, 1997, he joined as a chief economist at Fleming Graphus Corretora and, in September 1998, he joined Marka Nikko Asset Management also as chief economist. In April 1999, he worked as a chief economist and, also, as a Chief of the Economics Advisory of the President of Industry Federation of State of São Paulo (FIESP) and Center of Industries of State of São Paulo (CIESP). In November 2004, he was Director of Brazil Economics area, at Credit Suisse Brasil, and in January 2009, he joined as a managing partner at Main Street Consultoria. In February 2010, at UBS Brasil, he was Executive Director, Chief Economist, Head of Stock Strategy for Brazil and, also, Member of the Research Committee in LATAM. In June 2013, he worked as a senior Vice President and Head of Stock Strategy for LATAM and Brazil at HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, remaining there until December 2016, when the institution was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A, where he got into as a Senior Superintendent at Bradesco S.A. CTVM. In February 2024, he was promoted to Director, responsible for the Investor Relations Area.
Marcelo Sarno Pasquini
Date and Place of Birth: November 2, 1973, São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional Background: Professional with over 25 years of experience in the Financial Market, he has worked in business and support areas such as Treasury, Private Bank, Asset Management, Finance, Wealth Management, Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Investor Relations, among other activities. In 2015, he assumed the responsibility for the Finance of Retail and Wealth Management (RBWM) areas of HSBC in Brazil and Latin America. In 2016, when HSBC was merged by Bradesco, he became Executive Superintendent of the Controllership area, responsible for Asset Management, Investments Analysis and Management Results. In October 2022, he was elected Corporate Sustainability Officer, area led by him since 2017.
Risk Committee
The role of this committee is to advise the Board of Directors on the management of Banco Bradesco’s risks and capital.
Maurício Machado de Minas
Date and Place of Birth: July 1st, 1959, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He joined Banco Bradesco S.A. in July 2009, as Managing Executive Director. In January 2014 he was elected Executive Vice President. From March 2018 to January 2019, he accumulated the position of Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Vice President Director. As of January 2019, he became only a member of the Board of Directors.
Samuel Monteiro dos Santos Junior
Date and Place of Birth: February 5, 1946, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Brief Professional Background: With extensive experience in the insurance market, he began his career in 1969 at SulAmérica Seguros. In December 1999, he joined Bradesco Seguros S.A. as Vice President, where he remained until March 2011. From November 2011 to April 2014, he served as Chief Executive Officer at BSP Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A., where he is currently a Member of the Board of Directors. At the same time, in 2007 he was elected Officer at Bradesco Dental S.A., currently Odontoprev S.A., where he was elected, in 2014, Member of the Board of Directors. In March 2020, he was elected Member of the Board of Directors of Banco Bradesco S.A.
Paulo Roberto Simões da Cunha
Date and Place of Birth: May 27, 1950, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional History: He joined the Brazilian Central Bank in 1976, in the Division of Supervision and, in 1988, he was promoted to the Head of Division, where he was responsible for the oversight of Financial Institutions in São Paulo, remaining part of that organization until 1998. He was Financial Specialist Member of Audit Committee of Banco Bradesco S.A. in the period from April/2004 to June/2009, and after from February/2014 to January/2021, when he was elected independent member of the Board of Directors.
Octávio de Lazari Junior
Date and Local of Birth: July 18, 1963, São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in September 1978. He was elected Executive Deputy Officer in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer in February 2015 and Executive Vice President in May 2017. In March 2018, he was elected CEO of Banco Bradesco, position held by him until November 2023. In December 2023, he was elected member of the Board of Directors.
Rogério Pedro Câmara
Date and Place of Birth: October 5, 1963, in Santos, SP.
Brief Professional Background: In June 1983, he began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. In December 2008, he was promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent. In June 2011, he was elected Officer, in January 2012, Department Officer and, in January 2017, Deputy Executive Officer. In January 2019, he was promoted to the position of Managing Officer and, in March 2021, to Vice-President. In September 2024, he was elected member of the Board of Directors.
Strategic Committee
This committee supports the Board of Directors in the company’s strategic management, providing insight and guidance on the implementation of strategic decisions.
Alexandre da Silva Glüher
Date and Local of Birth: August 14, 1960, in Porto Alegre, RS.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A in March 1976. In August 2001 he was elected Regional Officer, in March 2005, Department Officer, in December 2010, Executive Deputy Officer, in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer and, in January 2014, Executive Vice President. In March 2018 he was elected Member of the Board of Directors and, in April 2020, coordinator of the Audit Committee, statutory body that advises the Board. In August 2022, he was nominated Vice Chairman of Banco Bradesco´s Board of Directors.
Maurício Machado de Minas
Date and Place of Birth: July 1st, 1959, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He joined Banco Bradesco S.A. in July 2009, as Managing Executive Director. In January 2014 he was elected Executive Vice President. From March 2018 to January 2019, he accumulated the position of Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Vice President Director. As of January 2019, he became only a member of the Board of Directors.
Samuel Monteiro dos Santos Junior
Date and Place of Birth: February 5, 1946, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Brief Professional Background: With extensive experience in the insurance market, he began his career in 1969 at SulAmérica Seguros. In December 1999, he joined Bradesco Seguros S.A. as Vice President, where he remained until March 2011. From November 2011 to April 2014, he served as Chief Executive Officer at BSP Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A., where he is currently a Member of the Board of Directors. At the same time, in 2007 he was elected Officer at Bradesco Dental S.A., currently Odontoprev S.A., where he was elected, in 2014, Member of the Board of Directors. In March 2020, he was elected Member of the Board of Directors of Banco Bradesco S.A.
Denise Pauli Pavarina
Date and Place of Birth: April 14, 1963 – Santo André – SP.
Brief Professional History: She began her career in March 1985 at Banco Bradesco de Investimento S.A., a financial institution that, in November 1992, was merged into Banco Bradesco S.A. At Bradesco, she held the positions of Manager of the Portfolio Management Department, Executive Superintendent and was elected Department Officer in January 2001. In June 2006, she was elected Officer of Banco Bradesco BBI S.A. and in January 2007, Managing Officer, remaining in this position until December 2009, when she was elected Superintendent Officer at Bram – Bradesco Asset Management S.A. and as an Officer at Bradesco. In January 2012, she was elected Deputy Officer and, in February 2015, Managing Officer. In March 2018, she became, cumulatively, Investor Relations Officer. In January 2019, she resigned from the positions held in the companies of Bradesco Organization and, in March 2022, she was elected Independent Member of the Board of Directors.
Octavio de Lazari Junior
Date and Local of Birth: July 18, 1963, São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in September 1978. He was elected Executive Deputy Officer in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer in February 2015 and Executive Vice President in May 2017. In March 2018, he was elected CEO of Banco Bradesco, position held by him until November 2023. In December 2023, he was elected member of the Board of Directors.
Marcelo de Araújo Noronha
Date and Local of Birth: August 10, 1965, in Recife, PE.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career in 1985 at Banco Banorte, where he remained until 1996, occasion in which he started to act as a Commercial Officer at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., subsequently called Banco Alvorada S.A. and incorporated by Kirton Bank S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, where he holds the position of Vice President. In February 2004, he was elected Department Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A., in December 2010, Executive Deputy Officer, in January 2012, Executive Managing Officer and, in February 2015, Executive Vice President, position held by him until November 2023, when he was elected Chief Executive Officer.
Vinicius Urias Favarão
Date and Place of Birth: November 20, 1974, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career as a Business Manager in 1992. At Banco Bradesco Cartões he was Executive Superintendent, responsible for the areas Network of Establishments American Express (Amex) and Credit Products in the portfolios Visa, Mastercard, Elo and Amex. In 2010, he was promoted to the position of Officer of Banco Bradesco Cartões and was responsible for the management of the areas of Products and Life Cycle of the credit card portfolios of all the brands managed by Bradesco. In 2013, as a General Officer of Bradesco Promotora, he worked on the transaction that resulted in the acquisition of Banco BMC by Banco Bradesco S.A. In 2017, he returned to Banco Bradesco Cartões as a responsible for issuing and managing the credit card portfolio of Banco Bradesco. In 2020, he worked as Officer of Banco Bradesco Financiamentos and, in February 2024, was elected Executive Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A., responsible for the areas: New Businesses/BHI, Institutional Relations, Strategy and Regulatory Relations, Corporate Strategy and General Secretariat.
Affonso Correa Taciro Junior
Date and Local of Birth: April 4, 1971, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in January 1994 at Banco Fibra S.A. as a System Analyst trainee. In June 1995. he joined BankBoston as a Financial Risk Analyst and, in December 1997, he joined Banco Itaú S.A. as Risk Manager. In January 2003 he became part of ABN AMRO Asset Management as Superintendent responsible for the market, credit and operational risks. In March 2004, he returned to Banco Itaú S.A. as Superintendent responsible for the Financial Risks management and control. In August 2013, he joined HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo as Executive Superintendent, being transferred to Banco Bradesco S.A. in October 2016. In June 2023, he was promoted to the position of Officer, responsible for the Model Independent Assessment Area. He is currently responsible for the Compliance Area at Banco Bradesco S.A.
Aires Donizete Coelho
Date and Local of Birth : August 13, 1964, in General Salgado, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in February 1986, as a bank clerk at Auriflama, SP Branch. In November 1989, he joined to the Legal Departament, as a Lawyer, where he worked for 34 years. There, he acted in all the areas like litigation, consultative and business support. He was regional manager from 1994 to 2000 and department manager from 2000 to 2015. As of 2017, he became Executive Superintendent. He was responsible for the Legal Advisory of Board of Directors and Board of Executive Officers from February 2019 to April 2022, when he was promoted to Officer.
Alessandro Zampieri
Date and Place of Birth: April 15, 1971 in São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in December 1988, in the area of security and transport of values, having migrated to credit in March 1996. He went through all the positions of the Credit Area, having been promoted to Department Manager in May 2005, and Executive Superintendent in august 2014, being responsible for the area of modeling and credit policies. In 2017 transferred to data and algorithms area, being responsible for the area of data sciences and in July 2018 was transferred to the credit products area, responsible for the management of credit solutions with free resources for individuals and legal entities and digital transformation. In June 2021, promoted to Officer, remaining in the area of credit products.
Alexandre Cesar Pinheiro Quercia
Date and Place of Birth: June 17, 1972, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A., in September 1987 and was promoted to Departmental Manager in May 2010. He was appointed Executive Superintendent in January 2014 and an Executive Officer in July 2016.
Alexandre Panico
Date and Place of Birth: April 7, 1969 in São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Citibank NA in March 1988, worked at BankBoston from 1992 to 1993, joined Unibanco in 1994, and Banco CCF Brasil S.A. in August 1997 as Senior Corporate Bank Manager. In February 2001, he worked at HSBC Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo as Senior Relationship Manager, going through different functions and areas until becoming head of major clients staying until June 2016. In October 2016, he joined Banco Bradesco S.A. as Superintendent of Bradesco Corporate, and in 2019, was elected Officer. In 2020, he takes over the Board of Bradesco Corporate One.
André Costa Carvalho
Date and Place of Birth: May 17, 1972, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in August, 1996, as a Statistic Professor of the Economics Course from PUC-RJ and, in June, 1997, he joined as a chief economist at Fleming Graphus Corretora and, in September 1998, he joined Marka Nikko Asset Management also as chief economist. In April 1999, he worked as a chief economist and, also, as a Chief of the Economics Advisory of the President of Industry Federation of State of São Paulo (FIESP) and Center of Industries of State of São Paulo (CIESP). In November 2004, he was Director of Brazil Economics area, at Credit Suisse Brasil, and in January 2009, he joined as a managing partner at Main Street Consultoria. In February 2010, at UBS Brasil, he was Executive Director, Chief Economist, Head of Stock Strategy for Brazil and, also, Member of the Research Committee in LATAM. In June 2013, he worked as a senior Vice President and Head of Stock Strategy for LATAM and Brazil at HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, remaining there until December 2016, when the institution was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A, where he got into as a Senior Superintendent at Bradesco S.A. CTVM. In February 2024, he was promoted to Director, responsible for the Investor Relations Area.
André David Marques
Date and Place of Birth: 4.13.1976 – Videira, SC, Brazil.
Brief Professional Background: Started his career in june 2002 at consulting firms as Accenture and Fujitsu Consulting working in tech renovation projects with clients such as Bank Boston and Santander Banespa (cards). From 2004 to 2006, was responsible for the areas of business intelligence, data, and acquisition at the acquirer and issuer of American Express Cards. From October 2006 to 2012, at Citibank and Credicard, served as the director responsible for the commercial areas of physical channels, areas of processes, projects, quality, and budget control for cards acquisition. Changed to products area where was in charge of launching new products and services, as well as structuring the prepaid cards area of Credicard. From 2012 to 2018, at EF Englishlive – a digital spin-off of Education First, took on the role of president, responsible for expanding operations in Brazil and Latin America, and the development and structuring of the digital learning company. In 2019, assumed the presidency of Banco Topázio, where was responsible for the bank’s new positioning, brand, revamp of channels, loan products, and digital banking, in addition to structuring the new bank as a service (BaaS) framework. In October 2019, started up Trex Tecnologies to work in the development of digital learning platforms and digital structures for billing and collections. In December 2020, at Banco Bradesco S.A., was elected Director, responsible for managing the products and portfolio of consumer and corporate credit/debit cards, the digital area and innovation with Cardtech, for the Bradesco Network. Currently responsible for the Bradesco and Bradescard cards area in Brazil and Mexico.
André Ferreira Gomes
Date and Place of Birth: July 18,1968, in Ribeirão Preto, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in March, being, in July 1998, promoted to the position of Branch Manager, in July 2008, Department Manager and, in January 2011, Executive Superintendent in the Retail Segment, which he was responsible for managing the customer service network for individual and corporate clients. In December 2013 he was elected Regional Officer in the Northeast and subsequently worked in the Southeast, and in March 2018, he began Department Officer in the Investments area, distributing Treasury, Bradesco Asset, Bradesco Vida e Providencia and Ágora Investimentos products. In January 2019, he started working in the Prime Segment, responsible for managing and building relationships with high-income individual clients.
Antonio Campanha Junior
Date and Local of Birth: September 9, 1975, in São José do Rio Preto, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Bradesco Organization in June 1998, in the Tax Audit Department, where he remained for 11 years, until May 2009. In June 2009, he became part of the General Secretariat, where he remains until today, being responsible, currently, for all activities of the department, which covers the advisory of the Board of Directors and Board of Executive Officers and the acting in the Corporate Law and Corporate Governance. In July 2023, he was promoted to the position of Officer of the General Secretariat.
Bráulio Miranda Oliveira
Date and Local of Birth: July 8, 1976, in Belo Horizonte, MG.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in January 2000 at Banco HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo as a trainee, where he held several positions at the Branches Network, Segments and Headquarter. Between 2010 and December / 2013, he was Superintendent of the High Income Segments and the Wealth Management Platform. In January 2014, he was promoted to Executive Superintendent of Commercial Management and Customer Acquisition at HSBC´s branches network. In December / 2017, when the Institution had already been acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A., he was nominated Executive Digital Superintendent, being responsible for the strategy and business of the Digital Platforms (Digital Branch). In June 2023 he was promoted to the position of Officer of the Digital Retail.
Bruno Funchal
Date and Place of Birth: December 11, 1978, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in 2007 at FUCAPE Business School, where he held the positions of Effective Professor and Academic Director until 2014. In 2015, he joined Alphamar Investimentos as Officer, becoming Risk and Compliance Officer and, later, Asset Management Officer. From January 2019 to June 2020, he was Officer of the Program at the Special Treasury Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy; between 2020 and 2021. he was Secretary of the National Treasury; and, from May to October 2021, he was Special Secretary of the Treasury and Budget. In May 2022 he joined BRAM – Bradesco Asset Management S.A. DTVM, in the position of CEO, responsible for the elaboration of medium and long-term strategic planning and objectives and acting as central point of communication between BRAM and other areas of distribution of investment funds. He managed resources, products definition, general operations, funds and portfolios managed by BRAM, including Fixed Income, Variable Income, Multimarket, Credit and Offshore strategies. In January 2024, he was elected Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A.
Carlos Henrique Villela Pedras
Date and Place of Birth: September 20, 1971, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Brief Professional Background: Between March 1991 and October 1994, he was a member of the Planning team at Shell Brasil S.A. From November 1994 to June 1997, he was an Investment Analyst at Banco FonteCindam S.A. Between October 1998 and February 2001, he was a Corporate Manager at Banco Itaú S.A. until he joined Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., currently Banco Alvorada S.A., in March 2001. In September 2003, he was transferred to Banco Bradesco S.A.; he was promoted to Regional Manager in December 2009 and Executive Superintendent in February 2011. In January 2017, he was elected Officer.
Carlos Leibowicz
Date and place of birth: December 31, 1970, in Mendoza, Argentina.
Brief Professional Background: He began his banking career in 1994, at ABN Amro Argentina, where he occupied positions in the commercial and credit analysis areas. In 1999, he worked on the acquisition of Banco Real S.A. by the ABN Amro Group and moved to São Paulo, working in several positions in the credit and risk management areas until 2005. Between 2005 and 2006, he was responsible for managing emerging market risks in ABN Amro’s headquarters in Amsterdam, Netherlands. At the end of 2006, he took over the position of Chief Risk Officer of Banca Antonveneta SpA (ABN Amro Italy) in Padova, Italy, remaining in this position until 2008, when he returned to Brazil, as Corporate Banking Officer at Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A., a position he held until 2011. From 2012 to October 2013, he was responsible for the wholesale area of Banco Fibra S.A. In November 2013, he joined HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo as Head of Corporate Banking, remaining in this position until October 2016, at the time in which the institution was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A., where he was elected Officer.
Carlos Wagner Firetti
Date and Local of Birth: November 5, 1968, in Jaú, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He joined at Banco Cidade S.A. in January 1993, where reached the position of Equity Research Manager. From May 1999 to September 2003, he worked at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., currently known as Banco Alvorada S.A., where he reached the position of Officer. In September of the same year, with the acquisition of Banco Bilbao Viscaya Argentaria Brasil by the Bradesco Group, he joined Bradesco S.A. Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários, where he became Analysis Superintendent, position held until February 2015, when he was elected Department Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A. In December, 2022 he taking over the function of Investor Relations Officer at Banco Bradesco S.A.
Clayton Neves Xavier
Date and Place of Birth: December 3, 1972, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A branches 1991 and was transferred, in June 1999, to the Integrated Risk Control Department (DCIR), where he worked as manager of several areas that compose the department, as market, liquidity, operational and credit risks, internal controls and business continuity. At DCIR, he was responsible for establishing the Regulatory Attendance area and for managing Compliance issues together with other areas. In November 2009, he was promoted to the position of Department Manager and, in June 2011, to Executive Superintendent. In 2017, he was transferred to the Data Management Department (DGD) in order to structure the newly created department. He was one of the leaders for the implementation of the General Law of Data Protection (LGPD) and subsequently he conducted the Open Finance project in Bradesco Organization. In February 2022, he was promoted to the position of Officer of the Compliance, Conduct and Ethics Department.
Cristina Coelho de Abreu Pinna
Date and Place of Birth: September 23, 1971 – São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Brief Professional Background: Performance in the TI market since 1995, through companies such as Spectrum Tecnologia, Imarés Tecnologia, Scopus Tecnologia and Banco Bradesco. Strong Performance in development and delivery of software projects in the financial industry, including systems support, software quality management and TI insfrastructure governance. Emphasis in innovate projects acting in digital channels. In november 2008 began at Scopus tecnologia Ltda., in June 2012 she was promoted to Executive Superintendent. In August 2014, transferred to Scopus Soluções em TI S.A., she assumes the position of Executive Superintendent. In May 2019, returns for the Banco Bradesco S.A. at positions of Executive Superintendet and, in February 2021, she was elected Officer.
Curt Cortese Zimmermann
Date and Place of Birth: December 7, 1970 – Porto Alegre, RS
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in 2014 at Kirton Bank S.A – Banco Múltiplo until 2016 as Chief Opperation Officer, when he became Officer until April 2017. In the same year, he held the position of Managing Director at multiple entities, including Kirton and Bradesco, and remained until April 2020. In 2021, he became Managing Officer of Bitz Instituição de Pagamento S.A. He currently holds the position of Officer at Banco Bradesco S.A., elected in March 2024.
Daniela Pinheiro de Castro
Date and Place of Birth: April 4, 1973, São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional Background: She has been working in the Financial Market for 30 years, with 25 years dedicated to the commercial area and human resources management, working with the purpose of developing, qualifying and training professionals who are protagonists of their careers and contribute to the generation of results and value for organizations and society. In 2014, she joined HSBC Bank Brasil as Superintendent of Wealth Management Platform, remaining in this position until 2016, when the bank was acquired by Bradesco. At Bradesco, she held the positions of Department Manager and Superintendent, as well as being responsible for the deployment and strategy of the Wealth Management Platform (PGP), an area that offers specialized advice to all branches network and investor clients of the bank. In October 2022, she was elected Officer.
Danilo Luis Damasceno
Date and Local of Birth: February 25, 1977, in Osasco, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in December 1995 at Banco Bradesco S.A. In June 1999, he became part of the Risk Management area as an Analyst Assistant and, in January 2014, he was elected Executive Superintendent of the Integrated Risk Control Department, where he gathered experience in the structures of Market and Liquidity Risk, Credit Risk Modeling, Risks Integration, when he was responsible for the ICAAP implementation and first versions, and Credit Risk. In July 2023, he was promoted to Officer, remaining in the same Department.
Fabio Suzigan Dragone
Date and Local of Birth: May 21, 1981, in Araraquara, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He has worked in the financial market for 20 years. He began his career as a Trainee at Citibank, specializing in Credit Portfolio Management in the Risk Management Area. In July 2008 he joined Banco Bradesco S.A., in the Financing Segment, where he was responsible for the Planning, Products and Pricing areas. In 2013, acting in the marketing Department, he became responsible for the Sponsorship of RIO-2016 Olympic Games and for the Sports Marketing Strategy. Then, he took over the Media and Marketing area of digital businesses, where he remained until October 2018. In November 2018, he became Officer of the Digital, CRM, Innovation, Customer Experience and Data areas of Bradesco Seguros Group, being responsible for Insurer’s digital transformation agenda. In August 2023, he returned to Banco Bradesco S.A. as Officer of Bradesco Experience Department, area that is responsible for developing and implementing strategies that promote the best experience for all customers at all points of interaction offered by the Organization.
Fernando Antônio Tenório
Date and Place of Birth: June 13.1961, in Bom Conselho, PE.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in January 1980, where he reached the position of Manager. In February 2000, he was transferred to Banco Baneb S.A., a financial institution acquired by Bradesco, holding the position of Branches Superintendent. In July 2002 he returned to Bradesco, as Regional Manager. In March 2005 he was elected Regional Officer and, in January 2008, Officer. In December 2009, he was indicated as Officer of Bradesco Administradora de Consórcios Ltda., acting in this position until September 2012, when he was elected Department Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A.
Fernando Honorato Barbosa
Date and Place of Birth: April 24, 1979, São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: Between 1998 and 2000, he was a member of Bankboston’s economic team. In 2001, he worked as an economist at Rosenberg & Associados until he joined Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., currently Banco Alvorada S.A., in August 2001. In September 2003, he was transferred to Banco Bradesco S.A., where he reached the position of Senior Economist. From June 2007 to December 2008, he worked at Banco Bradesco BBI S.A. In January of the following year, he returned to Bradesco and, in January 2010, he was promoted to Executive Manager. In December 2011, he became Executive Superintendent of Bram – Bradesco Asset Management S.A. Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários, when he started to hold the same position at Banco Bradesco S.A., being, in January 2017, elected Officer and, in January 2019, promoted to the position of Department Officer.
Francisco Armando Aranda
Date and Place of Birth: June 2, 1981, in Presidente Castelo Branco, PR.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career as a consultant at the companies: AT Kearney Management Consultants, in January 2003, and at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, in August 2005. in July 2011, he became Senior Executive Manager at Ernst & Young and partner at the same company in July 2015. In August 2019, he joined to Banco Bradesco S.A. as Executive Superintendent of the Organizational Consulting and Planning Department. In February 2022, he was promoted to the position of Officer, remaining in the same Department.
Jeferson Ricardo Garcia Honorato
Date and Place of Birth: August 31, 1972 in Osasco, São Paulo.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in September 1988 at Banco Bradesco S.A. in the Data Processing Department. From 1992 to 1999, he worked in the Research and Technological Innovation Department in the development and implementation of Telecliente Bradesco, Telepagamentos Bradesco, TeleBradesco Residência Mega-Drive, Smart Card and Internet. During this period, with a focus on innovation and expansion of the Chip Card implementation process, he worked for 3 years in the Bradesco Branch Network: at the Itú – SP, Congonhas – SP and Centro Empresarial de Santo Amaro – SP branches. In November 2000, he was promoted to Chief Executive Manager in the Special Products Department and was responsible for managing the Internet Channel and designing the Bradesco University Account. In July 2009, he was promoted to Department Manager of Bradesco Dia e Noite and, in June 2011, to Executive Superintendent in the Digital Channels Department, where he worked on the implementation of the new Bradesco Internet Banking platform, Bradesco Net Empresa, Bradesco Celular, Bradesco’s presence on Social Networks and the Branch of Bradesco Next. In January 2015 he was appointed to design and build Next and in March 2020 he was elected Officer of Next Tecnologia e Serviços Digitais S.A. and in March 2021 he was elected Managing Officer. In March 2024 he was elected Officer at Banco Bradesco S.A.
José Gomes Fernandes
Date and Place of Birth: March 27, 1960, in Jaguaribe, CE.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career in June 1978, at the Branches network of Banco Bradesco S.A., where he worked for 9 years. At the Inspectorate Department (Internal Audit), he performed his activities for 22 years, when he started to manage the Corporate Security Department, being, in March 2015, promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent and, in February 2018, elected Officer. In December 2018 he was promoted to the position of Department Officer.
José Leandro Borges
Date and Place of Birth: April 3, 1970, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Brief Professional History: In June 2010, Mr. Borges was hired by Kirton Bank S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, former HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, acquired in July 2016, by Banco Bradesco S.A. In October 2016, he was transferred to Bradesco to the position of Executive Superintendent of Bradesco Corporate and, in January 2019, he was promoted to Officer, the position which he currently holds.
Juliana Laham
Date and Place of Birth: April 2, 1976, São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional Background: She has more than 28 years of experience in the financial market, at institutions such as Citibank, ABN Amro, Barclays, Goldman Sachs and HSBC. With the merger of HSBC by Bradesco, she became, in 2017, Head of the Strategy, Advisory and Bradesco Private Banking Products areas. In 2019, she became Superintendent, and, in October 2022, she was elected Officer.
Julio Cardoso Paixão
Date and Local of Birth: December 5, 1977, São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in 1999 at Citigroup, where he worked in different business units in Brazil (Credicard, Orbitall and Banco Citibank) and in the regional office for Latin America in Fort Lauderdale – USA. In 2008, he joined Banco Ibi S.A. (now Banco Bradescard) as Superintendent of Credit Planning, remaining there until 2009, when the institution was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A. In 2010, he joined Banco Bradesco as Executive Superintendent of Integrated Risk Control. In 2011, he was transferred to Banco Bradesco Cartões (incorporated to Banco Bradesco) as Executive Superintendent. In June 2018, he was elected Officer and, in January 2019, he was promoted to Departmental Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A. Since 2022, he has been responsible for the Organization’s Loans and Financing Department, in charge of the areas of Real Estate Credit, Agribusiness, Government Lines, Bradesco Leasing, Payroll Loans, Loan Products for Individuals and Legal Entities and pricing strategy. In March 42024, the position changes to Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A.
Júlio César de Almeida Guedes
Date and Place of Birth: December 20, 1972 – São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional History: He has extensive experience in Credit and Risk, having held various positions in Financial Institutions. He has worked as a Officer, Superintendent and Manager in renowned companies, including Itaú Unibanco, Unibanco and Serasa Experian. In April 2024, he joined Banco Bradesco S.A. and was elected Officer.
Layette Lamartine Azevedo Junior
Date and Place of Birth: 8.18.1961, in Recife, PE, Brazil.
Brief Professional Background: In June 1996, he joined Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., currently Banco Alvorada S.A., as Planning Superintendent. In September 2003, he was transferred to Banco Bradesco S.A. in the position of Executive Superintendent and, in June 2011, he was elected Department Officer. In March 2024, the position changes to Officer.
Leandro José Diniz
Date and Place of Birth: November 2, 1966, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He started to work, in March 1997, as Manager at Banco BCN S.A., a financial institution that Banco Bradesco S.A. acquired in December 1997. In September 2003, he was transferred to Banco Bradesco S.A., as Regional Manager, being, in June 2011, promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent and, in January 2012, elected Regional Officer. In December 2016 he was transferred to Bradesco Administradora de Consórcios Ltda., where he assumed the position of Officer. In February 2017, he returned to Bradesco as Department Officer.
Leandro Karam Correa Leite
Date and Place of Birth: October 29, 1979, Santos, SP
Brief Professional Background: He began his career as Foreign Exchange Portfolio Analyst for Financial Institutions and worked as a Consultant in the implementation of the Management Account Model of Banco Bradesco and in several projects in the Controllership area. Although, at Banco Bradesco, he started in 2002 in the Budget and Control area, working in the implementation of the process of calculating the results of Products, Departments and Segments. In July 2004, he started to act in the Private Bank area as an analyst and, later, as a Head of the products area, chief strategist and superintendent. In October 2022, he was elected Officer of Bradesco Private Bank.
Letícia Cardelli Buso Gomes
Elected in RCA no. 3,422, on 5.12.2024, with a coinciding mandate.
Luis Claudio de Freitas Coelho Pereira
Date and Place of Birth: August 6, 1972 – São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in 2001 as Chief Executive Manager in the Stocks and Custody Department, remaining until 2005, when he became Chief Operating Manager. In August 2010 he was promoted to Executive Superintendent and currently holds the position of Officer, elected in March 2024.
Luiz Philipe Roxo Biolchini
Date and Place of Birth: July 7, 1969, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in 1990 at Banco BTG Pactual as Sales & Trading. In 1992, he joined Itaú Asset Management as Statutory Investment Officer and, in 2003, he moved to Louis Dreyfus Commodities as Chief Financial Officer, remaining until 2007, when he joined ING Bank in the position of Statutory Treasury Officer. From 2009 to 2013, he was Founding Partner and Portfolio Manager at First Value Capital and Partner – COO at Vintage Investimentos. From 2015 to 2021, he was Statutory Officer at Sul América Investimentos. In July 2021, he joined BRAM – Bradesco Asset Management S.A. Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários as Officer in fund and securities portfolios management, local and international securities analysis, manager of management team, investment analysis, commercial relationship and institutional representation. In January 2024, he was elected Officer at Banco Bradesco S.A
Manoel Guedes de Araujo Neto
Date and Place of Birth: October 1, 1966, Salvador, BA.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career in 1988 at Banco Econômico S.A., institution acquired by Banco Excel Econômico S.A. and, later, by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A. In September 2003 he was transferred to Banco Bradesco S.A., being, in April 2010, promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent and, in January 2017, elected Officer. In January 2019 he was promoted to the position of Department Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A.
Marcelo Sarno Pasquini
Date and Place of Birth: November 2, 1973, São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional Background: Professional with over 25 years of experience in the Financial Market, he has worked in business and support areas such as Treasury, Private Bank, Asset Management, Finance, Wealth Management, Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Investor Relations, among other activities. In 2015, he assumed the responsibility for the Finance of Retail and Wealth Management (RBWM) areas of HSBC in Brazil and Latin America. In 2016, when HSBC was merged by Bradesco, he became Executive Superintendent of the Controllership area, responsible for Asset Management, Investments Analysis and Management Results. In October 2022, he was elected Corporate Sustainability Officer, area led by him since 2017.
Marco Aurélio Galicioli
Elected in RCA in 3,422, on 12/5/2024, with a coinciding mandate.
Marcos Daniel Boll
Date and Place of Birth: April 11, 1972, in Nova Santa Rosa, PR.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in 1992 at Banco Bamerindus S.A., acting in Human Resources, Finance, Segments and Stategic Planning areas, when, in 1997, the institution was acquired by HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, where, in 2010, he was promoted to the position of Regional Manager and then to Products Superintendent. In October 2016, occasion in which the institution was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A., he acted as Regional Manager and, in January 2019, he was elected Regional Officer. In January 2022, he was promoted to Officer, responsible for Individuals in Retail.
Marcos Alexandre Pina Cavagnoli
Date and Place of Birth: October 15, 1972, São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional Background: Renowned executive in the Payments, Financial Services and Digital Transformation sectors with over 27 years’ experience in the market. Proven track record in leadership roles at prestigious institutions such as: Itaú Unibanco, PayU (Naspers/Prosus) Citigroup and JPMorgan. Has experience in the creation and development of Fintechs such as Koin Pós-Pago (acquired by Decolar.com in 2020) and Adiq Paymetns (Banco BS2). He has served as a member of Boards of Directors and Committees, influencing strategic decisions and fostering organizational excellence in line with senior executive management at Totvs Techfin, Núclea, Reachr and Ticket.
Marina Claudia González Martin de Carvalho
Date and Place of Birth: November 1, 1966 – Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Brief Professional Background: Executive with experience in Planning and Control, MIS, budget, costs, products, Pricing Models ajusted to asset risk, and development of strategies used as management tools. She began her career in june 1993 as Senior Financial Analyst at Banco Excel Econômico S.A., Having been acquired by Organização Bradesco in 2003 and, transferred in september 2003 as Analysis Manager of the Budget and Control Department and, in january 2004 going to Banco Bradesco Financiamentos S.A. as Superintendent and, being in june 2008 promoted Executive Superintendent. In november 2015 returns to Banco Bradesco S.A. as Executive Superintendent in the Department of Loans and Financing and, in March 2021 promoted to Officer in the Controllership Department.
Marina Gravina Veasey
Elected in RCA no. 3,422, on 5.12.2024, with a coinciding mandate.
Mateus Pagotto Yoshida
Date and Place of Birth: March 20, 1981, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
Brief Professional Background: He graduated as an engineer from UNICAMP, was awarded a research scholarship by CNPq and subsequently began his professional career in the Industrial Engineering sector. He changed career when he joined the financial market as a TRAINEE for a multinational company. In 2008, he began his career at Bradesco in BF Promotora de Vendas Ltda. In 2011 and 2012, he completed his Master’s Degree at IE Business School in Madrid (during his Master’s electives, he worked at Bradesco Luxembourg in Corporate and Private Banking). When he returned to Brazil, he worked in Controllership and Consulting at Banco Bradesco S.A. In 2015, he took on the position of Executive Superintendent of Planning and Operations at BF Promotora de Vendas Ltda. In December 2020, he was promoted to Officer in the Credit Recovery area. In 2022, he took over the operation of Bradesco Expresso.
Nairo José Martinelli Vidal Júnior
Date and Place of Birth: December 26, 1969, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in September 1987 at the Branches network, where he worked in several areas, including Corporate and Retail Segments being, in December 2007, promoted to the position of Department Manager. Since April 2012, he has been working at the Ombudsman Department, being, in March 2015, promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent and, in February 2018, as Officer.
Nathalia Lobo Garcia Miranda
Date and Local of Birth: December 8, 1978, in Salvador, BA.
Brief Professional Background: She started her career in June 2014 at HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo as Regional Manager. In January 2017, when the institution was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A., she was promoted to the position of Department Manager of Bradesco Prime and, in June 2017, she was transferred to Bradesco Corretora as Commercial Superintendent. In December 2017, she joined Ágora Corretora, being, in April 2019, she was promoted to the position of Executive Superintendent. In January 2020 she returned to Banco Bradesco S.A. with the same position at the Marketing Department and, in July 2023, she was elected Officer of the same Department.
Rafael Forte Araújo Cavalcanti
Date and Place of Birth: December 10, 1985, in Salvador, BA, Brazil
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in August 2008, as an Analyst of Credit Modelling at Banco Itaú and, in September 2011, he was promoted to Coordinator of Credit Risk. In November 2013, he got into at HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo as a Senior Credit Risk Manager, remaining there until October 2016, when the institution was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A., where he joined as a Manager of the Credit Department. In January 2020, he was promoted to Executive Superintendent of Data Intelligence Department and, in February 2024, he was promoted to Officer of this Department.
Rafael Padilha de Lima Costa
Date and Place of Birth: March 30, 1981 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Brief Professional Background: A banking executive with vast experience leading teams and strategic projects, Rafael has in-depth knowledge of administration and financial management, with a successful track record in leadership and supervisory positions. He has been a Director at Banco Bradesco since August 2024, with a significant career at the institution. Previously, Rafael served as Senior Superintendent at Banco Bradesco BBI S.A. and Director at Bradesco Holding de Investimentos S.A. He has also held the position of Director at Varese Holdings Ltda. since April 2024.
Ricardo Eleutério da Silva
Date and Place of Birth: May 4, 1977, in São Paulo, SP
Brief Professional Background: With over 28 years of experience in the financial market, he began his career in 1993 at Banco Bradesco S.A., working at Citigroup and Western Asset Management. In 2011, he joined HSBC’s Team in the area of Fund Management. In 2013, he joined HSBC Global Asset Management, where he became Product Superintendent, responsible for local and offshore structures. In October 2016, he joined BRAM – Bradesco Asset Management S.A. Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários as Superintendent and, in July 2021, he was elected Officer, responsible for the management of resources, definition of products, general operations and implementation of the guidelines established by the Board of Officers. In January 2024, he was elected Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A.
Roberto França
Date and Place of Birth: April 27, 1969, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career in 1985, working with Treasury and Investment Funds Management and later in comercial areas of Bancos Noroeste (current Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A.), BMC (current Banco Bradesco Financiamentos S.A.), Excel, Excel Econômico, BBVA (current Banco Alvorada S.A.). In September 2003, it was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A., where he held positions of Corporate clients management, until he was promoted to the position of Regional Manager in 2009. In February 2012, he took over the position of Executive Superintendent liable for the legal entities segment in the South of Brazil (Corporate clients). In 2017, he became responsible, in São Paulo, for the Paper and Pulp, Energy, Education, Telecom sectors in addition to other clients controlled by international Private Equities that act in Brazil. In February 2018, he was elected Officer.
Roberto Medeiros Paula
Date and Place of Birth: July 21, 1968, in Vitória, ES.
Brief Professional Background: In November 1986, he began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A., at the foreign exchange portfolio, working with the import, export, financial, interbank, manual exchange, and trading desk sectors. In April 1998, when he served at the Grand Cayman branch, he was promoted to Operations Manager. In 2001, still at Grand Cayman, he became General Manager, supervising offshore Private Banking transactions, Trade Finance, and the Treasury. From October 2007 to May 2012, he worked at the New York branch. In June of the same year, he became the Executive Superintendent of the International and Foreign Exchange Department, and was elected Officer in June 2017. In January 2019, he was promoted to the position of Department Officer of Banco Bradesco S.A.
Romero Gomes de Albuquerque
Date and Local of Birth: June 4, 1966 – Vitória de Santo Antão, PE
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Banorte in Pernambuco in March 1988. In June 1996, he went to Banco Excel Econômico, formerly Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil (now Banco Alvorada S.A.), the bank then acquired by Banco Bradesco in 2003. In September 2003, he started working at Banco Bradesco as Regional Manager. In June 2015, as Executive Superintendent of Loans and Financing, and in June 2018, he was elected Officer, the position he currently holds.
Rubia Becker
Date and Local of Birth: September 23, 1974, in Ibirama, SC
Brief Professional Background: She began her career at Bank Boston – Banco Múltiplo S.A. in 1995, including Unibanco, ABN AMRO and WestLB, where she acted as Credit Deputy Officer in New York until 2004. In October of the same year, she entered at Banco HSBC, remaining there until October 2016, occasion in which the Institution was acquired by Banco Bradesco S.A, were she was promoted to Officer in January 2020.
Ruy Celso Rosa Filho
Date and Place of Birth: November 27, 1977, in São Paulo, SP.
Brief Professional History: In January 2001, Mr. Rosa was hired by Banco Bradesco S.A. In October 2010, he was elected Superintendent of the Capital Markets Trading Desk and in January 2019, he was elected Officer, the position which he currently holds.
Soraya Bahde
Date and Place of Birth: July 5, 1983, in São Paulo – SP.
Brief Professional History: She has over 18 years of experience in Human Resources. She has held management positions in several renowned companies. She joined Banco Bradesco S.A. in July 2024.
Telma Maria dos Santos Calura
Date and Place of Birth: July 12, 1969 in Frutal, Minas Gerais.
Brief Professional Background: She began her career in August 1988 at Banco Nacional S.A., which was incorporated by Unibanco, now Itaú Unibanco Banco Múltiplo, in 1995. In April 1997, she joined Banco Excel Econômico S.A., which was later incorporated, in 1998, by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., which was later acquired, in September 2003, by Banco Bradesco S.A. She worked in all sectors of the Branches, with an emphasis on People Management, and held the position of Branch Manager until then. In January 2009, she was promoted to Regional Manager, in January 2019 she was elected Regional Officer and in January 2022 she was elected Officer, a position she currently holds.
Vasco Azevedo
Date and Place of Birth: March 30, 1961, in Barra do Piraí, RJ.
Brief Professional Background: He joined Banco Bradesco in February 1992, initially occupying the position of Lawyer. In January 1996, by appointment of Bradesco’s Board of Executive Directors, he has joined the National Confederation of Financial Institutions (CNF), in the position of Parliamentary Adviser. In April 1998, he returned to Banco Bradesco in the position of Chief Manager of Institutional Relations. In September 2009, he became Executive Superintendent in the Institutional Relations area and, in February 2019, he was promoted to the position of Officer of this same area.
Vinícius Panaro
Date and Place of Birth: May 2, 1985 in Osasco, SP, Brazil
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco, in December 2001, as an office boy of General Accounting Department, working in several areas and positions within the Department. In November 2013, he was promoted to the position of Accounting Manager and, in April 2017, to the position of Department Manager. In October 2020, he was transferred to the Controllership Department and was promoted, in January 2021, to the position of Executive Superintendent. In 2023, in addition to his duties in the Controllership Department, he took over the General Accounting Department on an interim basis, where he became Officer in February 2024.
Altair Luiz Guarda
Regional Officer
Date and Local of Birth: April 25, 1967, Caibi, SC
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in August 1986 as Clerk, passing through all positions, reaching Branch Manager in December 1998, and Regional Manager in February 2014. In April 2018, he was elected Regional Officer, the position he currently holds.
Amadeu Emilio Suter Neto
Regional Officer
Date and Place of Birth: January 17, 1965, in Ourinhos, SP.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in April 1985, being, in January 1995, promoted to the position of Branch Manager and, in January 2006, Regional Manager. In February 2015 he was elected as Regional Officer.
César Cabús Berenguer Silvany
Regional Officer
Date and Place of Birth: December 18, 1964, Salvador, BA.
Brief Professional Background: He started his career in September 1989, at Banco Econômico S.A., institution acquired by Banco Excel Econômico S.A. and, later, by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Brasil S.A., currently known as Banco Alvorada S.A. In September 2003, he was transferred to Banco Bradesco S.A., being, in July 2004, promoted to the position of Regional Manager and, in December 2016, elected Regional Officer.
Deborah D’Avila Pereira Campani Santana
Regional Officer
Date and Place of Birth: January 27, 1970, in Rio Grande, RS.
Brief Professional Background: She began her career in July 1988 at Kirton Bank S.A. – Banco Múltiplo (formerly HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo) as Clerk, working in various positions and Branches, until it was acquired in July 2016 by Banco Bradesco S.A., when she was transferred to Bradesco as Regional Manager. In April 2019, she was promoted to the position of Regional Officer, the position she currently occupies.
Edmir José Domingues
Regional Officer
Date and Place of Birth: May 29, 1969, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A., in October 1985, having been promoted to Departmental Manager in 2007, and in June 2011, he was appointed Executive Superintendent. In July 2016, he was elected Officer, and in January 2022, he was elected Regional Officer.
Hebercley Magno dos Santos Lima
Regional Officer
Date and Place of Birth: May 10,1971 in Salvador, BA, Brazil.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in 1990 at Banco Bamerindus, which was later incorporated by Banco HSBC. In 2000 he started working at Banco BBV as Branch Manager. In 2003 at Banco Bradesco as Branch Manager until 2015, when he started to took over the Regional Management Feira de Santana at Bahia. In 2017, he held the position of Regional Management Vitória at Espírito Santo. In 2019, the Regional Management Paulista. In January 2021, he was promoted to Regional Officer at Regional Directorate Bahia
José Roberto Guzela
Regional Officer
Date and Place of Birth: February 7, 1967, in Floraí, PR.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco Bradesco S.A. in April 1985 as Bank Clerk, being, in January 1997, promoted to the position of Branch Manager and, in January 2010, Regional Manager. In December 2016, he was elected as Regional Officer.
Marcelo Magalhães
Regional Officer
Date and Place of Birth: August 23, 1969 in Florianópolis, SC
Brief Professional Background: He began his career at Banco de Crédito Real de Minas Gerais S.A. (incorporated in 2004 by Banco Bradesco S.A.) in February 1990. In 1996, he became Senior Manager at Joinville Branch and in March, 1998 he joined to Banco Bradesco S.A. as Manager of Joinville Branch. He was promoted to Regional Manager at Bradesco Retail area in April 2016, Executive Superintendent in January 2018, and Regional Officer in January 2022, at Regional Office of Rio Grande do Sul, SC.
Marcos Alberto Willemann
Regional Officer
Date and Place of Birth: May 7, 1976, Chapecó, SC.
Brief Professional Background: He began his career in February 1996 at Kirton Bank S.A. – Banco Múltiplo (former HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo), reaching the position of Assistant Service Manager in September 1998. He assumed several management positions, being, in January 2011, promoted to Regional Superintendent of Network. In 2016, HSBC was incorporated by Banco Bradesco S.A. and in 2018, he became Regional Manager at Bradesco Retail department. In 2020, he was promoted to Executive Superintendent, remaining in Bradesco Retail, and in January 2022, he was elected to Regional Officer for the Northeast Regional Office 1.
Nelson Pasche Junior
Regional Officer
Under construction.
Welder Coelho de Oliveira
Regional Officer
Elected in RCA in 3,422, on 12/5/2024, with a coinciding mandate.
Bradesco Consórcios, the market leader, has been operating since 2003 offering solutions that cater to all audiences, whether individuals, companies, account holders or non-account holders.
Banco Losango offers the best financial solutions for retailers and their customers.
Bradesco Financiamentos offers specialized solutions for vehicle financing, all tailor-made for you!
With more than half a century of experience operating in Miami, Florida, Bradesco Bank is a subsidiary of Banco Bradesco in the USA.
Responsible for originating, structuring, executing and distributing equity, M&A and fixed income transactions, including project finance and acquisitions.
Banco Bradesco Europa (BBE), headquartered in Luxembourg, is a commercial bank whose main activities are Private Banking, Trade Finance, Corporate Banking, Interbank Operations and Asset Management.
Your investment house, a place where you can find selected products, modern and secure trading platforms, expert advice and exclusive content to support you in choosing opportunities in line with your objectives.
Market leaders in Brazil and Latin America, we work to offer the best protection solutions and the best service to you, our policyholders.
Digio is a digital financial services platform with products and solutions that make it easier for people to deal with their money.
Intelligence that connects people and business. Specialists in benefits, corporate expense management and incentives - all within the food, culture, transportation and health segments.
Brazil's largest rewards company, with the aim of offering the best experience in redeeming points through strategic partnerships with large companies and stores in various sectors.
A brand that was born to drive mobility and transportation towards smarter paths, integrating the movement of people and businesses.
Bradesco Adm. de Consórcios l=Ltda.
At Bradesco Consórcios you can count on various plans, terms and letters of credit that are more accessible to meet your needs, as well as, of course, a team of specialists spread throughout the country, in the entire branch network. You can also count on digital support to contract and manage your consortia.
Visit websiteBanco Losango S.A.
Banco Losango wants to turn dreams into reality, will into success and opportunities into achievements, always focusing on the sustainable growth of Brazilian business and retail. More than credit, we work to help you achieve your goals and go further. Whatever the size of your dreams, we want to be part of them.
Visit websiteBanco Bradesco Financiamentos S.A.
Bradesco Financiamentos provides customers and business partners with the best financial product and service solutions through diversified channels.
Visit websiteBradesco Bank
Bradesco Bank serves resident and non-resident customers with a complete range of products and services for individuals and legal entities.
Visit websiteBanco Bradesco BBI S.A.
Our team is made up of experienced and highly qualified professionals who work in collaboration with the other areas of Bradesco.
Visit websiteBanco Bradesco Europa
BBE has a specialized team of professionals, bringing excellence to business. The aim is to link Brazilian clients with Europe and European clients with Brazil.
Visit websiteÁgora Investimentos S.A.
The only investment house with recommended stock portfolios monitored and measured by the Standard & Poor’s rating agency.
Visit websiteBradesco Seguros
Our customer focus and constant search for innovation have marked our history and are reflected in our diversified portfolio. With a multiline approach, which sets us apart in the market, we offer solutions to families and companies with the most diverse profiles and needs, guaranteeing peace of mind at every stage of our policyholders’ life cycle.
Visit websiteBanco Digio S.A.
Every day, we create digital solutions to simplify the way Brazilians look after their money. We work to ensure that our digital bank has everything our customers need in one place.
Visit websiteAlelo Instituição de Pagamento S.A.
Every day we offer peace of mind to more than 150,000 client companies and 10 million people who trust us. We have the largest network of affiliated commercial establishments in Brazil. That’s how, since 2013, we’ve led the benefits sector in the Workers’ Food Program (PAT).
Visit websiteLivelo
Brazil’s largest rewards company, with the aim of offering the best experience in redeeming points through strategic partnerships with large companies and stores in various sectors.
Visit websiteVeloe
A brand that was born to drive mobility and transportation towards smarter paths, integrating the movement of people and businesses.
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