Ownership Structure

Direct Shareholdings
Corporate Chart

Here you can find out about Bradesco’s corporate structure

Bradesco is a private publicly-held company, which means that its capital is divided into shares traded on the Stock Exchange. This structure allows any investor who owns Bradesco shares to be, proportionally, one of the Bank’s owners based on the number of shares held. This structure ensures a clear distinction between shareholders with decision-making power in the meetings and those with preference in the distribution of financial returns, balancing the interests of different investor profiles.

Total shares, December 31, 2024
Total Capital
Treasury (common shares)
Treasury (preferred shares)

Registered Common Shares (CS): These shares grant their holders voting rights at the Bank’s Shareholders’ Meetings. This means that common shareholders can directly participate in the company’s strategic decisions; and

Registered Preferred Shares (PS): While preferred shareholders do not have voting rights at the Meetings, they have priority in receiving certain rights, such as dividends or Interest on Equity (IoE). These are cash payments made to shareholders based on the company’s profits.

Date-base Amount Total (%)
Common 12/31/2024 5,330,304,681 50.1%
Preferred 12/31/2024 5,311,865,547 49.9%
Subtotal 12/31/2024 10,642,170,228 100%
Treasury (common shares) 12/31/2024 23,843,100 0.45%
Treasury (preferred shares) 12/31/2024 21,344,200 0.40%
Total outstanding shares 12/31/2024 10,596,982,928 99.6%